Cleo from 5 to 7 - Film Review

★★★★★- 5 Stars 
      The very first thought I put into this film was, "Wow, this was directed by a woman. That was rare for the time." I think this film could not have been directed by a man. I think that is one of the beauties of it. Agnes Varda did an incredible job bringing out the emotions in Cleo (Florence) . You feel a sort of empathy for her but also, at times, dislike her. She is a bratty, drama queen in parts. She leaves her friend at one point, but meets another. She ditches her "boyfriend", but finds another. She is so back and forth.
      The whole movie is subjected on one thing, cancer test results. In the end, Cleo is diagnosed, but she finds a new confidence. She doesn't care though, because she has a new found love for a man she met in the park, Antoine. You have an odd feeling at the end of the film. You feel like Cleo has accomplished something, but you don't know what.
Either way, this is a great movie. You may dislike Cleo's character at first, but she will grow on you. This is truly a masterpiece from Agnes Varda.
In case you were interested, Varda is still alive. She is 89 years old and she just made a new documentary called "Faces Places".


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